🔴 عن "دين السّلام" المزعوم

عن "دين السّلام" المزعوم



أولاً، الإسم لا يعني شيئًا. تُسمّي كوريا الشمالية نفسها "جمهورية كوريا الديمقراطية الشعبية"، فهل هذا يجعلها ديمقراطية؟  

الإتحاد السوفياتي كان يحمل كلمة "جمهورية" في إسمه، فهل منعه ذلك من أن يكون كابوسًا شموليًا؟  

الكلمات في بداية الفصل لا تُحدّد المحتوى الذي يليه. يمكنك أن تبدأ خطابًا بعبارة "أنا أحبّ السّلام" ثم تقضي السّاعة التّالية في الدّعوة إلى الحرب.  

ثانيًا، السّورة الوحيدة في القرآن التي لا تبدأ بـ "بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ" هي سورة التوبة. وماذا تحتوي؟ أوه، فقط بعض الآيات الأكثر عنفًا ودمويّة في القرآن كلّه.  

مثل الآية 9:5: «فَإِذَا انْسَلَخَ الْأَشْهُرُ الْحُرُمُ فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ». أو الآية 9:29: «قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ [...] حَتَّى يُعْطُوا الْجِزْيَةَ عَنْ يَدٍ وَهُمْ صَاغِرُونَ».  

ثالثًا، القرآن قد لا يذكر السّيوف صراحةً، لكنّه بالتّأكيد يذكر القتال والقتل وضرب الأعناق مرارًا وتكرارًا.  

ما هو الجهاد في رأيك؟ ماذا فعل محمّد وأصحابه؟ لم يكتبوا قصائد عن السّلام، بل خاضوا الحروب، وقطعوا الرّؤوس، واستعبدوا النّساء، ونشروا الإسلام عبر الغزو.  

ترك الجهاد الإسلامي أثرًا من الدّماء من شبه الجزيرة العربيّة إلى أوروبا، ومن إفريقيا إلى آسيا. الإمبراطوريّة العثمانيّة، قراصنة البحر الأبيض المتوسّط، غزوات المغول... لا شيء من هذا حدث بسبب "تفسيرات خاطئة".  

كل هذا حدث لأنّ القرآن والأحاديث تأمر به. داعش، القاعدة، بوكو حرام، حماس – هم لا يخترعون الجهاد، بل يتّبعونه.  

الإسلام دين إرهاب، ليس سلامًا. دينٌ يُؤسّس للعنف. وأي شخص يحاول ترويج رواية مختلفة إمّا مخدوع، أو يبحث عن الإهتمام، أو يكذب عمدًا.  


**مدونة مالك بارودي:**  



🔴 À propos de la soi-disant «Religion de la Paix»

À propos de la soi-disant « Religion de la Paix »

Premièrement, un nom ne signifie rien. La Corée du Nord s’appelle elle-même la « République populaire démocratique de Corée » : cela en fait-il une démocratie ?  

L’Union soviétique comportait le mot « république » dans son nom – est-ce que cela l’a empêchée d’être un cauchemar totalitaire ?  

Les mots en tête d’un chapitre ne définissent pas le contenu qui suit. On peut commencer un discours par « J’aime la paix » et passer l’heure suivante à appeler à la guerre.  

Deuxièmement, le seul chapitre du Coran qui ne commence pas par « Au nom d’Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux » est la Sourate At-Tawba. Et que contient-elle ? Oh, juste certains des versets les plus violents et sanglants de tout le Coran.  

Des versets comme 9:5 : « Tuez les polythéistes partout où vous les trouverez. »  Ou 9:29 : « Combattez ceux qui ne croient pas en Allah […] jusqu’à ce qu’ils paient le jizya de leurs propres mains après s’être humiliés. »  

Troisièmement, le Coran ne mentionne peut-être pas d’épées, mais il parle bel et bien de combat, de meurtre et de trancher des cous, à maintes reprises.  

Qu’est-ce que le jihad, selon vous ? Que faisaient Mahomet et ses compagnons ? Ils n’écrivaient pas de poèmes sur la paix – ils faisaient la guerre, décapitaient des gens, réduisaient des femmes en esclavage et propageaient l’islam par la conquête.  

Le jihad islamique a tracé une route sanglante de la péninsule arabique à l’Europe, de l’Afrique à l’Asie. L’Empire ottoman, les pirates barbaresques, les invasions mogholes : rien de cela n’est arrivé à cause de « mauvaises interprétations ».  

C’est arrivé parce que le Coran et les Hadiths l’ordonnent. L’État islamique, Al-Qaïda, Boko Haram, le Hamas – ils n’inventent pas le jihad, ils le suivent.  

L’islam est une religion de terreur, pas de paix. Une religion qui institutionnalise la violence. Et quiconque tente de présenter une version différente est soit trompé, en quête d’attention, ou ment délibérément.  


Le blog de Malek Baroudi :



🔴 Gaza: destroying oneself with one's own hands

Gaza: destroying oneself with one's own hands

Logically, when you take an action, you should have already thought about its short- and medium-term consequences, as well as the method, the tools used, the starting time, etc. You should also have assessed the profits to be made and the losses to be expected, and whether the profits are heavier or the losses heavier.

On October 7, 2023, the Arab and Muslim world was overjoyed, and Arabs and Muslims were cheering, rejoicing in what Hamas had done and gloating about the Israelis and all Jews. This reminded me of how Muslims cheered and rejoiced when the Twin Towers were hit in the United States of America, gloating over those who died and displaying a tremendous amount of hatred towards America, which they were taught through Arab and Islamic indoctrination that it is the "Great Satan." What happened next? The Afghans and Iraqis were fucked. Since the history of Arabs and Muslims is like a man who has been standing there for a thousand and four hundred years, every day repeating the same mistakes he made yesterday, without learning from his mistakes or even thinking about the repercussions of the action before he does it, I was of the opinion that the calamities that will befall the Palestinians as a result of this massacre will not be stopped by anyone and that it will be the beginning of massacres from which neither green nor dry land will be spared. This was my response to a colleague who was cheering for Hamas and rejoicing in this imaginary "victory." I told him: "The days are between us. You will cry blood."

And that's what happened. The Hamas terrorists' misadventure has resulted in the deaths of more than 40,000 Palestinians. The counter will continue to run, and the toll may eventually reach numbers that no one can think of. Because those who carried out the October 7 massacre and those who applauded them were too stupid to even consider that Israel would retaliate to avenge its people and protect them from Islamic terrorism. This is what logically happens everywhere.

Even in Arab and Muslim countries, whose people whine daily on Facebook, Twitter and in the streets and lament over Gaza in a foolish practice of a new kind of jihad that Jibril may one day reveal a surah about it: "electronic jihad," or, in keeping with the failed leftist terminology, "the struggle of likes and shares." The Egyptian forces dispersed the Rabaa terrorist sit-in because it was a threat to the state and the people, and the people supported them in their efforts. They also supported them in their efforts to clear Sinai of terrorists. But, surprisingly, the same Egyptian people who sided with the state and its army in the face of terrorism, have been involved in supporting Hamas terrorists. The reason for this vacillating support is not their hatred of terrorism in general (terrorism is Koranic), but their fourteen centuries-old hatred of the Jews. Just as a Muslim's judgment of disasters is subject to the religious hypocrisy implanted in his subconscious from an early age (e.g: A disaster that befalls a Muslim is called an "affliction" and a disaster that befalls a non-Muslim is called a "punishment"), his feelings and thoughts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are governed by the same religious hypocrisy. The most basic rules of reasoning, if applied by the dumbest Egyptian citizen, would lead him to support Israel against Islamic terrorism. The same thing happened in Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, Syria and most of the so-called Arab Muslim countries. People who suffer from terrorism and support it at the same time.

The bottom line, so as not to be too long, is the idea of Arab and Muslim stupidity or, let's say, unconsciousness. It is as if you are dealing with people who have been brainwashed. People who are ruled by their emotions and do things that they don't even realize the magnitude of their consequences.

Personally, although I oppose any killing, whatever its reasons and motives, and whatever the identity of the perpetrator and the identity of the victim, I do not feel any sympathy for the Palestinians in general (and we may talk later about the history of this terrorist people par excellence), nor for the people of Gaza in particular. They are the ones who raised the terrorist organization Hamas and are solely responsible for everything that is happening to them today. As the saying goes: Barkash is responsible for finding a solution. She is responsible for finding a solution to the trouble she has caused, without crying and without appealing to the rest of the world's peoples. After all, no one cares. Even the leaders of the Hamas terrorist organization are busy collecting money from far and wide, accumulating wealth and investments to secure the future of their children outside Gaza, and have no time to think about the fate of the people of Gaza, who are, after all, a means to pressure and emotionally blackmail the world to shower them with money.

The rest is history.


🔴 About the so-called "Religion of Peace"

About the so-called "Religion of Peace"





First, a name means nothing. North Korea calls itself the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, does that make it a democracy? 

The Soviet Union had "republic" in its name, did that stop it from being a totalitarian nightmare? 

The words at the beginning of a chapter don't define the content that follows. You can start a speech with “I love peace” and still spend the next hour calling for war.

Second, the only chapter in the Quran that doesn’t start with “In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful.” is Surah Altawba, and what’s in that chapter? Oh, just some of the most violent, blood-soaked verses in the entire Quran. 

Verses like 9:5: “Kill the polytheists wherever you find them.” Or 9:29: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” 

Third, the Quran might not mention swords, but it sure does mention fighting, killing, and striking necks, repeatedly. 

What do you think jihad is? What do you think Muhammad and his companions did? They didn’t write poetry about peace; they waged war, beheaded people, enslaved women, and spread Islam through conquest.

Islamic jihad has left a trail of blood from the Arabian Peninsula to Europe, from Africa to Asia. The Ottoman Empire, the Barbary pirates, the Mughal invasions, none of this happened because of misinterpretations.

It happened because the Quran and Hadith command it. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, they’re not inventing jihad, they’re following it.

Islam is a religion of terror, not peace. It’s a religion that  institutionalizes violence. And anyone trying to spin a different narrative is either deceived, desperate for attention, or deliberately lying.


🔴 Bacha Bazi: Le phénomène, ses racines et les solutions possibles

Bacha Bazi: Le phénomène, ses racines et les solutions possibles . . Qu’est-ce que le Bacha Bazi ?   Le Bacha Bazi, qui signifie en persan «...